In the meantime, for those of you who can read Dutch, an article from 'Het Parool' with Ray Cokes.
I'm currently trying to get hold of Paul King and Pip Dan as well. I'll let you know how it goes....
What happened to ex-MTV veejay Simone Angel? Well, she got married, had 2 kids and -together with her husband- started an adventure travel company and jungle lodge in Belize, Central America. After 6 years in the jungle they decided to move the family to Aruba, where Simone now hosts a radioshow on Cool FM. More adventures to come...
I'm currently trying to get hold of Paul King and Pip Dan as well. I'll let you know how it goes....
Everyone starts off excited. A business is decided on & land or property is bought. Not everyone is able to move down at the same time, as loose ends need to be tied up back home. So, one or two people travel ahead to start things off. The others are meant to follow soon.
Then things happen…A couple splits up. They no longer want to emigrate. One person gets an unexpected promotion and decides that the opportunity is too good to miss. One woman gets pregnant and suddenly feels that she wants to stay near her mother. Family members fall ill, fights break out, doubt sets in, etc.What you end up with is that one or two people carry the whole project by themselves and the others are nothing but silent partners. Or-the more complicated scenario- people want their investments back. This can descend in to utter chaos, with disagreements on whether to sell or not, how much to sell for, how people should be rewarded for the time spent on the project, etc. With the chance that friendships of a lifetime suddenly come crumbling down. All very sad indeed.
So my advice is the following:
Don’t rely on anyone when moving and starting a business abroad. If you are still determined to do it with your friends, consider the following: Are you willing to run this project by yourself in case other peoples’ situations change? And are you willing and able to buy the others out when needed? If you can say ‘yes’ to those two questions, than go right ahead. I hope that it all works out for you. It would be my dream too to have to have my friends and family around me. So I send you my blessings.
Now, if you’re one of those who tried to set up a business abroad with friends, please send me your story (whether it worked out for you or not). I’d be happy to share your experience here on this blog.
We're all getting ready now to see off my mum. She has to return to Aruba to get back to her job. I can't believe she's going..... Lucas already crawled into her suitcase this morning and said that he was coming with her. It will be hard saying goodbye. And what a shame that she has been here for 10 days without seeing her new grandson. I hope that she can come over again soon.
Earlier today I was reading some of our latest guest comments. I just love how the Jungle Dome guests stay in touch with us after their holidays. They send us tons of cool pictures and wonderful comments about their stay at our resort. It is so heartwarming to read how much they enjoyed their time with us and how much they all end up loving our staff.
It really makes our job rewarding. And it makes me realize that even by working in tourism (which was something I had never imagined myself doing), you can have a postive impact on people's lives. Even if it's just for a short period of time.
I have to admit, I kind of panicked. I thought that the baby could show up any minute and realized that I didn't have much of a support team. Andy and Karen were meant to be the ones who'd stay with me during delivery, but the Dome was full and one of them would have to keep the business running at all times, so I'd probably only have one support person. Of course, we would need help with Lucas too and the plan was that John would come from San Ignacio to baby-sit him. Still, how long would it take him to get here? Would we be able to get hold of him? Etc.
Also, the doctor had told me to take it very easy for the coming weeks & I had no idea how to do that with Lucas running around me all day. So I basically begged my mum to get down here from Aruba immediatly. I needed some help. And lucky enough, her employers were understanding enough to let her go, even though they are short on staff. So my mum is here now until the end of the month and Miriam (my sister) is coming over on the 8th of February for a week. So now I just have to hope that the baby doesn't arrive between the 29th of Jan and the 8th of Feb.
I'm seeing my doctor again later today and will ask him if it's okay to allow the delivery to take place if it were to happen in the coming week. I would feel much better having my mum here for everything, you see? Wish me luck with it all.....