Saturday, February 19, 2005

Party time at Banana Bank!

Wow, I'm just having so much fun with this medical team from Rochester. They are just a lovely group of people. They all give their time, money and expertise and, unlike some other charity groups that I've seen, they do this with such unending joy. Occasionally you get people volunteering here with huge amounts of self-pity and martyrhood, like they have to do it, but don't really want to. Not this group. They are all incredibly positive, funny and loving. And they are good party people too. Last night we had a blast! We cranked up the music as loud as it would go, drank, sang, danced and laughed till 10 o'clock (and believe me, that actually feels late in Belize : )

They brought lots of supplies for the local primary school and the children's homes in Belmopan. We handed it all out yesterday. It was enjoyable and sad at the same time. You just want to take all these kids home with you. They are all so adorable.

Our next plan is to bring second-hand computers to Belize. We just need to find a way to bring a 20-foot container from Rochester to Belize (for free or for very little money). They will fill the container with medical supplies for the hospitals and computers for the schools. Isn't that exciting? I hope we can get it organized pretty soon.

Have nice day everybody!