Sunday, February 25, 2007

We're back on the beach

I don't want to rub it in or anything, but we're back on sunny San Pedro beach. Andy and Lucas are fishing off the pier right now and I'm hanging out at the apartment whilst the baby naps. I wonder if they'll manage to catch dinner.

Love ya! (photos will follow soon....)

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Better late than never...

Here are a few more picture of our last Aruba visit. I know we've back for ages, but I have no other pictures to share since my camera died the minute we got back to Belize. A new camera has been ordered though, so in a few weeks I can take new pictures of life here.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

I want my own kitchen!

It's nice to be living in our new house, but it would be even better if the whole place was ready, instead of just living in the bedrooms. I walk on the building site, of what will be our kitchen, living & dining room, and almost start to feel like the place will never be finished. We've been building this house for over a year now. I mean, there is definite progress and we are getting to the end of it all, but it's just taken so bloody long. If we had known this, we probably would have bought one of those pre-fabricated Mennonite house instead ( that why architects don't tell people how long it really takes to build a house? To not put them off the idea?)

Anyway, I know that once it's all done we'll forget about how long it took and just enjoy the place, but for now it's still a bit frustrating.

I get especially annoyed first thing in the morning. See, I need to eat something the minute I open my eyes, but because we don't have a kitchen yet, I have to walk over to the Dome's office, get the keys to the resorts kitchen, walk there, make our breakfasts and coffees and try and balance it all on my way back to the house. Virtually every morning I walk with my face through several spiderwebs (disgusting!) and/or get stuck in the rain and mud. Not the best way to start the day!

Still, as far as problems go in life, this is not bad. I can have a little moan, but really my life is pretty darn good.

I just know that once I have my own kitchen again it will be even better!!!!

Monday, February 19, 2007

The tipping point

How funny, yesterday I blogged about how suddenly everybody seems to want to move to Belize and then today I see an article on The Belize News Blog talking about the same thing in an interview with Paul Goguen, the man behind the Ara Macao project.

From the interview:

Paul Goguen: Belize is fast becoming the exotic place to be on the Caribbean Sea. Baby boomers and other adventure travelers are being lured to Belize to explore its unique blend of history, geography, environment and culture. IoVest, the Developer of Ara Macao, believes that Belize is rapidly approaching a critical turning point in its history, best described in a recent national bestselling book by Malcolm Gladwell entitled The Tipping Point. Gladwell describes how certain fashion trends, products, social habits and other cultural phenomena move from relative obscurity to mainstream almost overnight much like when a balancing scale suddenly tips to one side.

Yep, that's how we feel about Belize too. We're starting to reach a 'tipping point' here. Is that good or bad? Only time will tell. I'm never too scared of progress though. It's simply what happens & it's unstoppable anyhow. So what we need now is for this runway extension to be done at the International Airport and for more flights to come and go from Belize (direct flights to Europe, please!)

I would have never thought it a few years ago, but it tickles me to think that we were ahead of a trend once again ; ) Isn't life delightfully strange????

If you are thinking of moving to Belize, please check out: Belize Real Estate

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Does everybody suddenly want to move to Belize, or what???

Wow, things are certainly changing here. For the longest time I thought that we were the only people who wanted to move to Belize & at times I wondered if we were crazy. Nowadays though it feels like the floodgates are being opened. More and more people are either making the move or considering it.

I receive daily emails of blog readers with questions ranging from 'Where are the best schools in Belize?' to 'How much does it cost to live in Belize?' and 'Where are the best real estate opportunities?'

Maybe I should turn this into some kind business, offer Belize real estate, build our own community or become some kind of Expat advice center. Hmmmm...something to think about.

Yesterday, by the way, I organized a 'Family day' at Banana Bank for the Belmopan International Women's Group and it was brilliant fun. There was a free art workshop by Mrs. Carolyn Carr, pony rides for the kids, a river boat trip and lounging by the pool. It really was lovely and the kids were all exhausted by the end it, which is always a plus. And, of course, the fact that the sun was shining all day helped too.

We also spent some more time on the beach last week, a quick hop to San Pedro. It was great, with blue skies & slight breeze. The best thing was watching the dolphins play around the pier late afternoon. Yes, moments like that make living in Belize so good.

If you are thinking of moving to Belize, please check out: Belmopan Real Estate for sale

Sunday, February 11, 2007

All you need is....

So in a few days time it will be Valentines Day. Many people will be wondering what to do or what to buy for their significant other, whilst I’m only wondering whether or not to bake a cake for Aidan’s first birthday, our little Valentines baby.

You know, I’m actually starting to think that maybe I’m not all that romantic. I mean, Andy and I both forgot our first wedding anniversary last December. My mother-in-law asked us afterwards what we did on the day and we both just laughed as neither of us had thought about it at all. And I don’t think we ever do much on Valentines Day either. We’ve been together for about 11 years (again, neither of us are sure how long exactly) and I can’t remember if we’ve ever celebrated Valentines Day in any shape or form. And to be honest, I don’t care. I’m just happy that Andy and I have crafted this incredible life together and that after all this time we still enjoy each other’s company as much as we do.

I actually believe that Andy and I have a better relationship than most couples we know. We always show love and respect to one another and are we’re still very much in love, but we’re just not all that soppy.

Also, when my children were born I didn’t cry. Neither did Andy. Especially Lucas’ birth was this weird anti-climax in a way. I had been watching all these TV shows in which women gave birth and where the minute the baby arrived the violins would start playing and everybody in the room would cry. When Lucas arrived the room was silent. There were no violins and we all just looked at him, going ‘That’s him? That’s our child? How bizarre’. I had also imagined that there would be this instant recognition, but there wasn’t. I had to get to know him and fall in love with him over the following days and the same was true for Aidan.

I also wonder when I hear people say that they have never known a love like the one they feel for their children, that they somehow love their children more than they’ve ever loved anybody else, because I don’t feel like that. When I love someone, I love someone. There is no hierarchy for me when it comes to love. Of course, I would do anything for my children and I am totally responsible for them, whereas I do not feel like that towards my friends or other family members. But it doesn’t mean that I therefore love my children more than my husband or that I love them more than I love my parents or my other siblings. They are simply two more souls that I am intertwined with for (as I am concerned) eternity. And right now they are my main priority in life, because that’s what being a parent is in my eyes. But my love for them is no more and no less magical than my love for all the other amazing souls on my life’s path.

As the Beatles once said: ‘In my life, I loved them all’

Anyway, happy Valentines Day everybody and I wish for you all as much love in your life as you are willing to give (and that’s usually as much love as we are getting anyway)

Here is just a small selection of those that I love (in no particular order)....

Thursday, February 08, 2007

I've been meaning to upload this for a while now...

My favorite thing about living in Belize is moments like this. The simple joys of an outdoor lifestyle.

And my least favorite thing about living in Belize is how all electronic equipment gets destroyed by the humidity. My camera has now died on me. That's another $900 down the drain. I loved that camera. The colours were so crisp, the video was great on it...oh, I will miss it so much. I don't think I'll ever buy anything that flash again. It just isn't worth it here.

Oh, and Karen won the bike race (for those of you that don't read her blog)
And obviously, we're very proud of our champion!

Friday, February 02, 2007

To hell and back (biking the muddy road to Caracol)

Well, Karen's made it through those hard days. We saw her race through Roaring Creek today and she was third when we saw her (out of everyone!)

We'll see her again tomorrow at Caves Branch.

Sorry, I have to leave it at that right now. May blog more later with pics.